In this page, I will post about vi and vim.
I hope that this note will help me later, when I need it.
Note: this is my old story of using vi, since I was in the collage. Please excuse my pun :D.
vi, is it scary?
hoho vi… the better version is vim (VIMprove) I think it’s an awesome editor, cool, powerfull, durable, efficent, etc, etc. But if compared to notepad++, vi might not stand a change. :P (edit, I’m still considering vim is better in its own league)
But in my heart, still vim :P. Yes, it’s in difference field with notepad++, both have their own advantages.
The other day, some friend said when we were working on assignment,
"using vi? isn't there anything else, which easier?"
I used to say that, but I think vim is quite easy, especially for editing the configuration in *nix
. on Windows, there’s also vim for windows (gvim).
If you are in terminal, the best editor in my opinion is, of course vim. until now, vim is still developed and released, the latest version is 7.4.
alright, not to be so full of myself, I only want to poison you. here are some tips that I usually use.
First step. Normally to start vim, type
$ vim
di terminal tar bakal keluar editor yg blom ada isinya, ato klo dah tau file apa yg mo diedit, tinggal
$ vim fileku.txt
go to specific line in fileku.txt :
$ vim +60 fileku.txt
ini bakal ke baris 60 di fileku (sangat gampang bagi programer, melihat bug dsb)
okeh, dah masuk vim :D mo pindah-pindah, gampang banget…
h l
pake arah yg ada dikeyboard jg bs
ingat hjlk
bs digunakan di mode command, by pressing esc.
untuk menulis, ketik dulu insert mode bisa pake i, I, a, A, o, O. untuk sekarang i aja dulu :P
sila ketik. selesai ketik, tekan esc
, :
, w
, dan q
i-> insert at the left of current cursor
I-> insert at the begining of current line
a-> insert at the right of current cursor
A-> insert at the end of current line
o-> insert one line below current line
O-> insert one line above current line
search :
Untuk melakukan pencarian, kita harus berada di mode command.
untuk memastikan bahwa kita berada di mode command, silahkan ketik esc
terlebih dahulu.
Kemudian untuk mencari suatu kata, sila ketik /
, diikuti dengan kata yang ingin dicari:
Agar pencarian tidak case sensitive, sila ketik:
:set ic
to ignore case sensitive.
If you want to search for bandung or jakarta:
untuk find and replace, ketik :
perintah ini akan mencari kata hari
untuk digantikan dengan kata hary
flag g
untuk semua, flag c
untuk bertanya, apakah mau diganti(untuk konfirmasi).
When starting vi, to go to first occurent of string
, we can use:
$ vi +/string file
$ vi +/JKT_IVRTSM1b_SERVICE /etc/hosts
akan menuju langsung ke JKT_IVRTSM1b_SERVICE
or we want to go to specific line
$ vi +50 fileku
this will bring us to the 50th line of fileku
in vi, type :sp
for spliting the windows (mendatar), dan pindah dengan
ctrl-w lalu arah, j(bawah) dan k(atas), h ke kiri dan l ke kanan.
:sp filename (horizontal)
:vsp filename (vertical)
atau dapat menggunakan control:
Ctrl-W s for horizontal splitting
Ctrl-W v for vertical splitting
Ctrl-w q to close one
in terminal: Normally if we want to open N windows (default: one for each file), we use:
# vi -o[N]
if we want to display it all, use
# vi -O[N]
it’s like -o but split vertically
restore edit
in vi, ketik :e!
utk kembali ke awal, original file.
inser command to current edit file:
to insert from a command, in vi use:
:r !date
this will print output of date to the content of vi
:r !whoami
vim in windows
edit vimrc di windows, open gvim, then edit file _vimrc
:e _vimrc
then append :
set guifont=Consolas:h10:cANSI
colors slate
Aditional command:
7j -> move 7 baris ke bawah
dw -> delete a word
* -> cari kata yang sedang ditunjuk kursor (cool)
:new ~/Desktop/coba.txt -> open file coba.txt in new window in vim (cool)
:tabe -> go to tab edit
:tabn -> go to next tab
:tabp -> go previous tab
v -> to start visual, and you can select text, eg to copy using arrow comand
or any text movement to move around. (DAMN...THIS IS PRETTY COLL, I didn't know about this...Agghh..)
V -> visual yang bekerja pada baris
to input from standard output just use vim -R - (there’s dash at the end) eg:
# chkconfig --list | vim -R -
will invoke vim which contain output of chkconfig
to browse file system and press to open the file
Vex=Vertical split explor Sex=Split explor
command line completetion in vim. for example you want to know command start with a, type
then without space, followed by <ctrl-D>
this will give you autocompletion a
, and see possible completions:
abbreviate amenu argdelete arglocal augroup
abclear anoremenu argdo args aunmenu
aboveleft append argedit argument autocmd
all argadd argglobal ascii
you can also use <tab>
oh, gw baru tau.. ilmu baru.. you can select (and it will automatically store in cliboard, in other name, it coppied) then you can paste it by middle mouse button, or two tap simustaniously. yep select a text, then go to any other you wnat to paste, then you middle click there / doubletap at once there, the text will be pasted. COOLLLLLL
regular expression in vi
[...] -> match any character from the set
[^...] -> match any character outside the set
[...-...] -> any character from range
[^...-...] -> any character outside range
\< -> begining of word, eg /\<London matchs every line with begin with London
\> -> end of word
to copy all line type
to copy from current line to the end,press y
followed by G
to join line type J
, if you want to join 5
lines at one time, type 5
then J
to repeat last action, type .
. if you want to execute it 5 times, type 5 followed by dot
to redo or undo:
u, U, R
to execute command while in vi, execute :!your-command
while in vi, if you want to go to shell, type
and when you exit
shell, you will be back to vi
open file with single press: to open file with filename is under current cursor, press gf, then it will automatically open this file
in vim, to enter commandline history, type q
then :
to disable .viminfo
, add to .vimrc
set viminfo="NONE"
other GREAT vimtips:
make lowercase:
in vim, to make all lines to lower case with guG
folding in vim:
to open folding : click left(h) or right(l) or zo
to close folding : zc
autocompletion in vim: ctrl-N
jump to tags:
use ctrl-]
to jump to tags and to go back use ctrl-T
keyboard mapping in vim this could be really useful:
:nmap - Display normal mode maps
:imap - Display insert mode maps
:vmap - Display visual and select mode maps
:smap - Display select mode maps
:xmap - Display visual mode maps
:cmap - Display command-line mode maps
:omap - Display operator pending mode maps
I just knew… that ESC
can be replace by ctrl-[
Tips and Tricks
Disabling auto indent temporarily to paste
Sometimes you only need to paste some snippet of code, that already has indentation, so you can disable it only during the paste operation with command:
:set paste
:set nopaste
Need to add more and edit more and translate more.